Thirteen years ago, suddenly the Villainous Army of evil appeared in their gigantic floating castle 10000 meters in the sky to invade Earth! The villainous army have reviving capabilities that make them immortal, making them a serious threat to humanity. To protect us against these invaders, the Divine Dragon Rangers, the Dragon Keepers, wield their miraculous powers and their weapons, Divine Tools, and continuously fight for our safety! The assault of the Villainous Army! The vigilance of the Dragon Keepers! Will they succeed in their conquest…? Find out in the action-packed superhero series of a lifetime!
From Haruba Negi, the creator of *5Toubun no Hanayome.*
Thirteen years ago, suddenly the Villainous Army of evil appeared in their gigantic floating castle 10000 meters in the sky to invade Earth! The villainous army have reviving capabilities that make them immortal, making them a serious threat to humanity. To protect us against these invaders, the Divine Dragon Rangers, the Dragon Keepers, wield their miraculous powers and their weapons, Divine Tools, and continuously fight for our safety! The assault of the Villainous Army! The vigilance of the Dragon Keepers! Will they succeed in their conquest…? Find out in the action-packed superhero series of a lifetime!
From Haruba Negi, the creator of *5Toubun no Hanayome.*
Thirteen years ago, suddenly the Villainous Army of evil appeared in their gigantic floating castle 10000 meters in the sky to invade Earth! The villainous army have reviving capabilities that make them immortal, making them a serious threat to humanity. To protect us against these invaders, the Divine Dragon Rangers, the Dragon Keepers, wield their miraculous powers and their weapons, Divine Tools, and continuously fight for our safety! The assault of the Villainous Army! The vigilance of the Dragon Keepers! Will they succeed in their conquest…? Find out in the action-packed superhero series of a lifetime!
From Haruba Negi, the creator of *5Toubun no Hanayome.*
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capitoli 139
Thirteen years ago, suddenly the Villainous Army of evil appeared in their gigantic floating castle 10000 meters in the sky to invade Earth! The villainous army have reviving capabilities that make them immortal, making them a serious threat to humanity. To protect us against these invaders, the Divine Dragon Rangers, the Dragon Keepers, wield their miraculous powers and their weapons, Divine Tools, and continuously fight for our safety! The assault of the Villainous Army! The vigilance of the Dragon Keepers! Will they succeed in their conquest…? Find out in the action-packed superhero series of a lifetime!
From Haruba Negi, the creator of *5Toubun no Hanayome.*
1 Comentários
❤️ Come in, I'll show you my tits:
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