\How did you know? I hid it well so that no one would find out.\
Adrian Caesar von de Paltzgraf, the successor to the Paltzgraf Family. He is hailed as an angel in this world, but only I knew that the serial murders and murder attempts happening in the area which everyone was talking about were all committed by a young, good-looking gentleman.
[Adrian\s murderous intent has increased.]
[Convince Adrian to lower his murderous intent. If not, you die.]
[Adrian\s murderous intent is at 92%.]
I am the only one who knows. I was the only one who transmigrated into the world of this ridiculous horror game.
- Only Ridibooks has all the volumes, due to Volume 1 of the side stories being R19.
- \No Exit Horror\ is the English name on the ebook and physical Korean novel cover.
\How did you know? I hid it well so that no one would find out.\
Adrian Caesar von de Paltzgraf, the successor to the Paltzgraf Family. He is hailed as an angel in this world, but only I knew that the serial murders and murder attempts happening in the area which everyone was talking about were all committed by a young, good-looking gentleman.
[Adrian\s murderous intent has increased.]
[Convince Adrian to lower his murderous intent. If not, you die.]
[Adrian\s murderous intent is at 92%.]
I am the only one who knows. I was the only one who transmigrated into the world of this ridiculous horror game.
- Only Ridibooks has all the volumes, due to Volume 1 of the side stories being R19.
- \No Exit Horror\ is the English name on the ebook and physical Korean novel cover.
\How did you know? I hid it well so that no one would find out.\
Adrian Caesar von de Paltzgraf, the successor to the Paltzgraf Family. He is hailed as an angel in this world, but only I knew that the serial murders and murder attempts happening in the area which everyone was talking about were all committed by a young, good-looking gentleman.
[Adrian\s murderous intent has increased.]
[Convince Adrian to lower his murderous intent. If not, you die.]
[Adrian\s murderous intent is at 92%.]
I am the only one who knows. I was the only one who transmigrated into the world of this ridiculous horror game.
- Only Ridibooks has all the volumes, due to Volume 1 of the side stories being R19.
- \No Exit Horror\ is the English name on the ebook and physical Korean novel cover.
Comentários 1
capitoli 50
\How did you know? I hid it well so that no one would find out.\
Adrian Caesar von de Paltzgraf, the successor to the Paltzgraf Family. He is hailed as an angel in this world, but only I knew that the serial murders and murder attempts happening in the area which everyone was talking about were all committed by a young, good-looking gentleman.
[Adrian\s murderous intent has increased.]
[Convince Adrian to lower his murderous intent. If not, you die.]
[Adrian\s murderous intent is at 92%.]
I am the only one who knows. I was the only one who transmigrated into the world of this ridiculous horror game.
- Only Ridibooks has all the volumes, due to Volume 1 of the side stories being R19.
- \No Exit Horror\ is the English name on the ebook and physical Korean novel cover.
1 Comentários
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A série How To Survive As A Maid In A Horror Game contém violência intensa, sangue / gore, conteúdo sexual e / ou linguagem forte que pode não ser apropriada para visualizadores menores de idade, portanto, está bloqueada para sua proteção. Então, se você estiver acima da idade legal de 18 anos.
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